Sunday 15 July 2018

Where are the Tories Hiding?

On this very blog on Saturday, 16th July 2016 to be precise, I foretold that Mrs May would be the last leader of the Conservative Party, how true that prophesy seems today.

The Bigger Question Now
Will Conservative MPs lose Seats
all over the Midlands

Supporting Mr May's Brexit Sell Out

My logic was quite simple.
The single most important thing to occur in British Politics, since Mrs Thatcher was disgracefully deposed by EU lovers within the party, was the appointment and later coronation of Mrs May as Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister.
All conducted without a single party member being allowed to exercise their right to vote for the Party leader.
That was the day I became uneasy with the party.

Today I'm convinced the whole sorry mess of this FAKE Brexit started that day and now the Conservative Party is running out of time to ditch this serial loser, before the party Splits forever.
The Party is haemorrhaging members and even today the Conservative polls have dropped to
35-36 % with UKIP rising to 8 -10%  indicating if a General Election was called today 60+ Conservative MP's would lose their seats 

Meanwhile where is the guidance from our local Conservatives?

Sandwell, Walsall and Dudley returned some of the biggest Leave EU votes in the UK, remember 17,500,000 voted to leave,
Sadly our Tory MP's  have all lined up to sell Mrs May's FAKE Brexit and ignore their local voters wishes

More importantly,  its upsetting to note that the local Sandwell Tories have all but disappeared, perhaps its to the comfort of their command control bunker and their deafening silence

Does this indicate Mrs May's White Paper on Brexit has been met with Sandwell's Conservative approval ? or is it just another Policy, short of a Sandwell Party?

We can only assume they are plotting in their smoke filled dugout, a strategic attack on the Labour stronghold of Sandwell.
All funded from the financial bounty made from a Fish and Chip supper extravaganza for all 3 members.?

Does this Federation ( sic) silence,  indicate a blind compliant support the May Brexit sell out?

Are all 3 Sandwell Party members to busy practising kneeling in obedience to their European masters?

Do they prepare for this “Brave New World” Mrs May designed Vassal State and  colony of Brussels?

One thing we are reasonably sure of is,

Silence is not a vote winning Policy

Sandwell Tory said

We all feel sorry for the people of Sandwell, not having a Conservative to vote for must be quite frustrating.

Never mind
 Boris will make a great PM 

Thursday 17 August 2017

Wednesbury Gaumont Cinema to Return

Having been away from the web for so long, quietly watching the local politics, I feel compelled to write about a good news story, its brilliant to see a major business is returning to our old town.
An iconic picture house I feared would be destroyed to build a tin shed or a disastrous set of apartment developments as they did in West Bromwich, is going to return to its former glory in Wednsebury, to serve the people as a picture house
(and its only 50/- bob in, £2.50 to our younger readers )

I don't know if our Brexit has influenced our country's psyche, but Britain is now firmly following a 1960's revival, Music , vinyl records , Tape recorders even the announcement that RadioCaroline has been awarded a Licence to transmit music as it once did ( illegally )            50 years ago, it will be on 648 kHz Medium Wave, Lets not forget a range of small local breweries selling real beer!

Sandwell Tory said
When considering the pantomime unfolding in the local Tory party, its good to hear some good business news
I do hope the new owners take a leaf from the Dudley hippodromes book and consider groups and Christmas pantomimes for the local kids

Saturday 16 July 2016

Another day, another cabinet, is it another Tory Scam

Amazingly in the first two weeks since the pre-referendum remain lies, ¾ of the worlds nations have said they wish to sign trade deals with Britain, however after just 12 hours in the job our brand new Chancellor says it will take 6 years to come out the EU, this doesn't sound right.

We now have another statement from the PM that She won't trigger Article 50 until have UK-wideapproach

I'm worried, this new Prime minister with this new cabinet is sending all the wrong signals and we Brexiteers could all be being taken for suckers 

These statement show plainly the lies from “remain” continue 
What is their real plan.

Six years of paying our contributions into a corrupt, inept and antidemocratic EU is simply not tolerable, if he cant do the job then he should resign and go,this places our leaving the EU conveniently after the 2020 election,

The conspiracy theorists amongst you are already making  their own conclusions as to this massive time span, which just happens to give parties controlled by Europe the chance to make it their Election agenda.

 Is this a massive distraction?

Theresa May's new “wonderful new Tory Government 
is not as wonderful as it first seems

We have the same tired faces still working to EU and USA TTIP rules

NO COMMITMENT on rebuilding our armed forces
NO COMMITMENT on STOPPING the sale of our NHS to the USA

But they did give us a commitment to carry on paying our money into the Corrupt EU

Let look at what this remain led “BREXIT” lol, government is prepared to pay the EU over this mythical 6 years .
We have the
Net contribution
Bail outs
Rebate cuts
Foreign Aid

The UK's 'net contribution' after they kindly gave us a few pennies back is estimated at between £8.5 billion and £12 billion last year, dependent on who you actually believe but that does not include rebate cuts.
Blair was good at giving our Rebate away
Between 1985 and 2009 Maggie's extra negotiated rebate returned £63.9 bn to the UK
Blair disgracefully negotiated it away for no return in 2005 and as of 2010 our rebate had fallen 40% and is still falling, as of 2013 (est equivalent) Britain has now lost £ 7.4 Billion or the same as paying the wages of 60,000 nurses for each and every year since the rebate was reduced by Blair.

What a nice true European Blair was giving all your money away

Bail outs
Cameron became an exemplar good at bail outs and foreign aid
November 2010 Ireland £ 7.5 billion
July 2015 Greece £1 billion
Apr 2016 Turkey £1.8 Billion with a promise of £680million more
plus £15 billion per year in foreign aid
What a nice true European Cameron was giving all your money away

So in the next 6 years Britain could end up paying
Net contribution £72 Billion
Bail outs £15 Billion
Lost Rebate cuts £10 billion extra paid in Blair's lost rebate
Foreign Aid £90 Billion 

So a 6 year delay could well cost us around £180 Billion

More seriously only this week the German Deutsche Bank's Chief Economist has called For a €150 Billion Bailout Of European Banks, with €29 Billion needed at the Bremen Landesbank, which is said to be on the verge of Failure.

                               Didn't Merkel Do Well

Who do you think will pay for this mess ????

You've guessed it YOU the British tax payer
Is the Government holding back our Brexit article 50 so Theresa May can help her European friends stuck in this financial dogs dinner with another massive British bail out ?

After paying extra tax in the austerity programme, after all 58 year old Women lost their state pension till they are 66 paying to re-float all the British Banks so they could be sold at a loss to the politicians Banking friends and big corporate organisations.

Worse still the Tory and Labour party remain MPs actually wanted you to vote to stay in Europe so their big banking friends could get bigger and take more money from you.


Sandwell Tory said

Yes Folks, Is the real reason Tory and Labour remain lied to you was they could see this European collapse happening, they wanted to keep you in poverty, while paying to keep Europe in luxury and on the 23rd June you told them you had had enough.

Beware :
Do not get excited about cabinet changes or the Prime Minister changing, I hope I'm wrong , but I still reckon the Tory party's real masters are in Europe, just like the referendum the Tory remain will lie, cajole and try to convince you they are working for a good deal you, they will continue the fear, while negotiating all your rights away 

Sunday 3 July 2016

A Vote for May will Destroy the Party

What a disgraceful CON, in a last ditch attempt to deceive the party members and con people of this country, we hear there are calls for the leadership to be halted and Teresa May appointed as leader.

Conservative Party members must ask themselves, how did we manage to elect MP's who either simply do not talk to the membership, or are they that removed from reality they class members as fools and ignore what they say?

A number of people consider Theresa May has been a terrible Home secretary, indeed the Telegraph
did an excellent article on her failures only yesterday, but following rumours Tory High Command had the story pulled, so it disappeared from view

Here's is a Link to 
to an article from 

We have a failed Boarder patrol system , a failed Computer monitoring system and all good Conservatives must ask

Why did she never help MR Cameron the leader in his hour of Crisis ?

Sandwell Tory said
The Party I have loved and worked for is following Labour down a path were the party membership
want to go one way and the MP's in the REMAIN camp want to go the other way.

The Conservative  Party now has around 150,000 members,down 100,000 since the disgraced Cameron took over, the vast majority of whom are thought to have voted Leave.

Cameron's management has seen Tory Associations closed and amalgamated, party membership has hemorrhaged away,  in a number of cases members views have been ignored and ridiculed yet the Party board continues on a path of self destruction.

The EU lovers in the Tory Remain camp are now destroying the Tory Party

MP's must remember 

Britain and its Democracy 
Comes first  

The only way this can be ended is for democratic Tory Associations to control errant MPs or deselect them if you must .

Area Management should be sacked and its replacement  must be made more democratically accountable and  must voted in on Members VOTES only

The Party board is no longer fit for purpose being so far removed from the membership, it needs a complete revamp of board members. 

The prospect of a continued refusal to face facts is daunting, I firmly believe Party  management still cant see what they are doing, or worse still they ignore it hoping it will all blow over so they can return to their little London bubble, however even while I write this blog,  people including good Tories all over the UK are being contacted to join the New National Party of coalition.

I fear for the final vote, 
What will the Party board and the EU loving Tory MP's  do if their "chosen one" Theresa May  is embarrassed and ignored if the membership vote against her in a mass revolt ?  

Whats it to be, a Tory Party of old or a split Tory Party? 

Friday 3 June 2016

Immigration is Out of Control, say Vote Leave

When the people openly laugh at our Prime Minister on live TV its time for him to go, when a young student openly tells him she's knows he's waffling, its time for him to go.

People all over the UK know that Turkey joining the EU means even more stress on our country,
our countries infrastructure is close to collapse, Hospitals full, Schools full, with a massive house building programme bringing major issues to local folk , but does Cameron and his elite listen ? NO

Watch Cameron on Sky

The good people of the UK know that if we don't leave the EU, then 5.23 million more immigrants will come to the UK by 2030! and why do they know? Because just a few years ago Cameron said :

Yet only a few years ago Cameron said he wanted Turkey to join the EU

Using the governments own figures 5.23 million persons will be added to the UK population as a direct result, the equivalent of the total population of Scotland.

The NHS will require an additional £9.35 billion by 2030 to maintain current funding levels on top of the existing savings required by the Five Year Forward View. 

Attendances at A&E will increase by 12.8 million per year by 2030, the equivalent of a 57.0% increase in demand for accident and emergency services. 

The UK will need an additional 14,746 doctors and 43,193 nurses to maintain current levels of medical staff per capita. This is the equivalent of 13.3% of the current NHS number of doctors in England and 13.6% of the current number of NHS nurses in England.

Or you can have more CUTS from a pretend Tory Government  
All Because Cameron and Osborne Love Europe

You all know this is a ridiculous wayto run our country

Sandwell Tory said 

Readers may be interested to know This fight inside the Turkish Government is what the Lady above was commenting on

Turkish Parliament in full debate

 Does Cameron want the Turkish Parliament 
to bring these debating skills to the UK?

 for you children's sake



Saturday 21 May 2016

The Tory Terror Campaign Continues

Devoid of a single good thing they can tell you about the EU , Cameron and his henchmen roll out a daily diatribe of lies and fear designed to terrorise you into staying in a corrupt EU.

Why would any British politician who loves their country want to hand over

To a bunch of unelected Europeans?

It now transpires that Cameron ”must” seek approval from the German chancellor Merkel before he can do a thing in Britain

What is the point of electing a German puppet who jumps when told to by Merkel ?

More astute readers have seen this military tactic used before, yes this terror campaign has been used on previous referendums held in Ireland, Greece and not forgetting the Dutch, forcing pressure on political leaders to do as they are told or go.

Then if a nation state ignores the EU and its people have the appalling temerity to vote out, the EU simply does not accept it, it ignore the democratic will of the people.
The EU hates democracy, if you moan or complain you are “off message “ a “ trouble maker “ or they those excuses don't work you are labelled “a racist”

Britain now has a ruling Conservative party that is anti British and was elected by a minority of possible Voters,

Yes just 36% of the voters voted Tory in 2015, however only 66% of the population eligible and registered to vote actually bothered to vote
That means 34% of the people DID NOT VOTE for anyone

Britain now has some elections were the number of people who do not vote is greater than the Tory and Labour vote combined

Worse still it is estimated that over 6,000,000 people in the UK 
are not registered to vote.

When added to the actual registered voters the Tory party leads this country into an Unelected EU with less than 20% of the population voting for the party 
Not forgetting the Tory party was elected for its anti EU stance and doctrine, not the Merkel kissing Prime Minister we have today

Sandwell Tory said
I never believed the Tory party would destroy democracy in the UK

Tell your Children ,
Tell Your Families

A vote out will

Force Cameron's resignation
Force Osborne's resignation

Force a New General Election

And better still
We will have a Free nation

Monday 9 May 2016

Tory MP Who Cares for Britain Votes for BREXIT

Crispin Blunt, chair of the Foreign Affairs select committee, came out for Brexit live on the Daily Politics:show.
My conclusion is I want a positive story and a positive role for the United Kingdom, and I think Brexit offers that option.”

A true gentleman, some readers may remember when Crispin contested his first Parliamentary seat in 
West Bromwich East for the Conservative Party in 1990's and I was fortunate to help.

There are now 143 Tory Patriots that want out

Boris's Speech 

Sandwell Tory said
"At no point has anyone on the Remain side made a single positive case for Britain being in the EU. "It's rubbish, Its corrupt, but we need to remain" is the only thing they can say

 Vote Out

Saturday 23 April 2016

The Conservative Party Needs a New Leader Fast

The cartoon above by Mac from the Daily Mail says it all, good Conservatives of this land need to ask themselves a simple question , Can you trust this Prime Minister to get the best EU deal for us the British, after he told his MP's to IGNORE the local Conservative party members and voters wishes that got them elected?.

I have remained silent long enough,
Mr Cameron has lost my respect he has to be the worst Prime Minister in British history, even beating that last appalling loser Mr Blair by a country mile, indeed politically they must be brothers..

Voters must ask themselves simple question
When a Prime Minister of Great Britain shows no respect for his own party members, treating them like dirty serfs, then he must be prepared to treat you the voter with the same vile contempt..

What chance does our country and the electorate have in getting the truth from this Prime Minister ?
The answer is simple, NONE Cameron must class you all as serfs on his Lordships estate..

This latest disgrace follows dishonourable party letters sent to Conservative Associations chairmen instructing them not to use Party offices and equipment to support the EU out campaign, we've also had the Cabinet gagging orders forcing known Eurosceptics into silence.

From the emails this site receives, good true Conservative all over the UK find these the actions of
a Prime Minister growing more desperate daily, a Prime Minister who has more in kind with Tony Blair than the Conservative Party, a Prime Minister that lies.

Has the Conservative Party got to the point where the use threats, coercion and force, in a vain attempt to cover up appalling leadership is becoming normal?

This PM is destroying the party as more real Conservatives turn against this budding dictator

Put simply Cameron is losing the backing from his associations and no amount of threats will force them into submission, grass roots followers are leaving the party in disgust.

Conservative Eurosceptics all over the country have been silenced, while Cameron did his pointless
negotiations ( or perhaps plotting against the British ), while negotiating nothing.

This act attempted to cover up that he humbled himself and ridiculed our country by asking ( begging ) Germany if it would allow the UK to change British benefits payable to migrants.

The idiot came back with a deal in which migrants from some countries will get HIGHER child benefits than UK families.

Worse still he came on British TV saying it was a good deal !

Sandwell blogger said
Cameron is either out of his depth and the European politicians see him coming, or more sinister he has colluded and working with the Europeans to hand over Britain a plate.

The Germans even have a word for it Dorf idiоt which translates as “Village idiot”

We have 4 years to the next election, we have a joke for a Labour opposition.

The Conservative Party I love needs an election and a vote of No Confidence in Cameron will trigger a leadership election, if MPs have the guts.

Conservatives in Britain need to find a new leader, a leader who puts our Country and Conservative party first, before personal power and loyalty to a foreign power.

Like Blair before him this man knows no limits to how low he will stoop to appease his EU masters

Vote out
To save this country from those that work with
and want
Foreign powers to run it
For a better prosperous future
for your grand children

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Don't let Osborne fool you Again?

Chancellor Osborne the man who lyingly promised to help Goodyear workers never to be seen again, the very same Osborne who wanted to cut benefits to disabled so he could give the rich tax cuts is at it again, Osborne now lies to your face telling you how bad trade will be if we leave the EU

More Cameron-Osborne LIES .

Astute readers will realise Cameron and Osborne are no longer fighting for Europe they are fighting to save their stinking political careers, as Osborne has tried to cover up 3 million more migrants are on their way to the UK

Devoid of a single good thing they can tell you about the EU they both resort to lies, deceit and worst of all threats to make you vote to stay in.

While disabled get benefit cuts , while more people use food banks Osborne and his sidekick Cameron spend £9Million of tax payers money to fund a leaflet full of lies

A number of News papers are advising Brexiteers to send the leaflet back to Mr Cameron

at this free post address
Send it back to Mr Cameron free

Joanna George
Free post
The Conservative Party Foundation
30 Millbank

Now to more Cameron-Osborne lies
 British Trade

Firstly we have to remember anyone who steps outside the Cameron message mysteriously gets the sack or attacked , could it be that the Government just wanted a Stay in team when the CBI originally wanted to campaign to leave ?

Remember Cameron's disgraceful and personal attack on Boris in the commons?
A disgraceful attack from a discredited Prime Minster

Do You smell a Rat at work here ?

Osborne's latest lies have no substance they are just more lies

The The Institute of Economic Affairs compiled a series of economic papers to assess the effect of the UK leaving the EU every one said Britain would prosper outside the EU 

Strangely again the writer of one Brexit report was silenced by Cameron's Government
just after releasing the paper

Here's a taster Cameron did not want you to see

click on the photo to read

Click here for a true independent analysis of Britain's finances out side the EU

Sandwell Tory said 
The lies from this government have got to stop , Osborne and Cameron must tell the people were their allegiances lie,  is it Britain or Germany  
Tory associations have been silences by Cameron and his team, Tory associations have been threatened by Cameron and his team worse still well respected Tory MP's have been verbally attacked and ridiculed by Cameron and his team 

THIS HAS TO STOP and is unbecoming of a British Prime Minister 

Now you the electorate have to ask yourself a big question

Do you believe a Prime Minister and a chancellor who have previously lied to you on repeated occasions
the very same leaders who attack their own members can be trusted with our countries future?

Do you honestly believe Cameron and Osborne today ?

Then for the sake of your children and grand children
you have to vote
Home Rule


Thursday 7 April 2016

Government spends £9m on leaflets to Con you to stay in

Readers are fully aware “We are not in it together “ when Cameron demonstrates perfectly he wants to hand Britain over to the German's on a plate,
All over the UK residents know Cameron cannot make a single decision about the UK without getting approval from his German Masters.

Now in a disgusting act of disloyalty while the people of the UK suffer cuts and hardships of austerity Cameron finds it acceptable to throw £9 million of your hard earned tax money to CON you into staying in the corrupt EU with a leaflet which will go to every home in the UK 

                                            Cameron is protecting Germany not Britain 

Lets look at what Cameron wants you to Stay in


How can Cameron want you
To VOTE to have more of this festering Mess?

Why on earth does a Prime Minister of the United kingdom
want you the people to have the same as those poor souls in Europe ?

Sandwell Tory said
Its now quite apparent the UK made a wrong decision back in 1975 we were all CONNED and for 40 years we have paid a heavy price
It hurts me to say it , but Cameron and Osborne have got to go, deselected or out voted in a vote of no confidence they are not good for future prosperity of the UK