Thursday 9 May 2013

Labour's Death Tax III

Labour has been accused of plotting to remove the single person Council Tax discounts, currently if only one adult lives in a property the Council Tax is reduced by 25%. In a formal request to ministers, the Local Government Association (LGA) is calling for the power to end the 25 per cent discount.

Eric Pickles is quoted as saying:-

'There is clearly a well-orchestrated campaign being pushed forward by Labour councillors to target the most vulnerable.

Sandwell Tory said

Don’t you love Labour, you lose your partner live on your own and Labour come after you for money,

Sandwell have lowered the capital cut off limit for Council tax reduction (CTR) from £16,000 to £6,000, which does not leave enough for a good funeral

Ask yourself
Do Sandwell Labour want your saved up funeral money ?

Why did Sandwell refuse to pay the VAT back ?

Do you trust Labour with your Tax money ?

Remember this 
link to Labours-secret-plan (Death-Tax)

 What is it with Labour an death taxes ?


Sandwell death tax

Sandwell's Death Tax II, The VAT Rebate Refusal


  1. Hmmm. A bit pot calling kettle black isn't it? My son is serving in the army and I now am spared the bedroom tax. If he is killed doing his job (for which he volunteered and knows the risk) I will be chased by the Tories for extra money exactly 13 weeks after he is dead. The first flowers on his grave may still be there. If you are going to be emotive remember us.

  2. I have the up most respect for our armed forces and this is plainly obvious on my site. I have No respect whatsoever for Labour's Dodgy Dossier and Cameron has promised to bring the Lads home.

    As for the housing benefit entitlement,If it wasn't for the Dogs dinner of a mess Labour left behind, have a look at this

    This is the scale of Labour's debt

    We are paying £48.6 Billion in Labour's Debt interest that would buy

    48,600 new MRI scanners,
    1.5 million extra nurses,
    1.2 million new teachers,
    1.1 million new police officers,
    or 399,000 extra doctors.

    5 Olympic Games,

    Or if we look to our armed forces

    19 Aircraft Carriers,
    45 Type 45 destroyers,
    38 Astute class submarines,
    701 Typhoon jets,

    every year
