Monday 3 June 2013

Labour plan to cut pensioners winter fuel payments

So the Labour Party show their real intentions, not content with presiding over the biggest economic collapse since the 1930's, Labour have announced that if they were in power the heating allowance for 600,000 individuals could be cut - saving £100m a year to help pay for their mess..

Sandwell Tory said 

Well done !! Where were Labour when they were Bulldozing homes, schools and our Factories, then they left West Bromwich to rot for over 10years, now they want pensioners to pay for their mess ? 
You could not make this up?


and still Labour deny the economic mess was their fault, apparently it was little old ladies, as under Labour they will have to pay and to top it all this move would reduce Labour's  "deficit" by just 1/1000 part


  1. Remind me - who cut child benefit and then changed their minds because people on £42k+ complained that it wasn't fair. The Labour proposal would only apply to those pensioners on higher rate tax - which for an over 75 year old will mean an income of £54,000 per year. Hardly breadline little old lady stuff is it? It is six times the proposed minimum pension and 2.25 times the current national average wage.

  2. You have missed the point ! Some fundamental issues apply here namely

    1, Was it bread line stuff when Labour cancelled the heating allowance in 2010 and then blamed the Tories?????
    take a look here as table A1 proves Labour cancelled it

    2, it is ripe for Labour to say to people who have paid into a system for generations and now on a fixed income, sorry it will no longer be paid as Labour fowled up the economy

    3, Please do not tell me it was the bankers as Dear Gordon was plainly enjoying the boom on borrowed money as it made Labour look good to the electorate

    4, Is this is just another load of Labour drivel? like the "Tax the mansions Joke" when a council house in central London costs £Ms?

    5, Finally we do listen to the people,
    Remember Labour's 10p tax rate?,
    Do you feel it fell on deaf Labour ears?

  3. It is a good job that we have Mr Gove when we have spelling like yours!

    The 'heating allowance' was introduced by Ted Heath as a £10.00 winter bonus just prior to the 1974 election. Unfortunately there was little heat available to spend it on due to the three day week. Perhaps it should be indexed back to the value of the original scheme. At £400.00 it means nothing to those on £52,000 - who will be those affected by the suggestion. It will also demonstrate the value of money - yes, I remember the 27% inflation that we enjoyed under Thatcher.

    Your point 3 is most interesting as when I worked for the Tory Controlled Walsall Council the then leader and current leader instructed staff to make reference to the central government money that was due and didn't come, due to a change in formula, in all official papers linked to the budget. It was designed to make it look as if Labour had stolen the cash. Funny how Sandwell Tories seem to think that Labour doled out too much at that time. Do neaighbouring Tory parties talk to each other?

    I think that you will find that the Mansion Tax is a lib dem policy.

    Yes, I do remember that 10p tax rate. I also remember the 1993 budget when the tax increases wiped out my pay increase and more. And the guy that did that is in the cabinet now - but I also realise that it had to be done to repair finances caused by black wednesday. The senior adviser to the chancellor that presided over that national shame is now prime minister and it is for that reason that I have no trust in him or his cohorts. Quite happy to discuss the effects of the Barber Boom from 1972 or the Lawson bubble created in 1988 if you wish.

  4. Please read my last positing once more ?

    Labour seem to have a obsession with removing the heating allowance.
    They removed it in their Last Budget in 2010 and spun a yarn that the Tories did it and Balls now wants to remove it again

    It already seems the people have seen through his phoney class war against the “rich pensioner” just like the phoney war against the mansion tax, but Balls has so much work to do, as the people have NO confidence in Labour's financial management.

    Yes Ted did introduce the heating allowance at £10 which does seem low by today’s standards till you look at the way the £ has depreciated since decimalisation (1971) there are a number of sites that show £10 in 1974 is approximately equal to £180 now, you may also recall petrol was 31 p per Gallon at that time before it went crazy in the Oil crisis

    Strangely most of our currency's depreciation was during Labour's tenure in office
    The Barber boom ????? that coincided with the US going off the Gold standard, hence my comments above about the value of our money
    even now Labour tend to use the external influence of Biggest economy in the world against us

  5. Would you care to comment on the review of 'pensioner benefits' that was mentioned by Gideon on Sunday? Of course, he could be planning to increase them but, if so, why has he not said? And, if it is a reduction why is he not saying until 2015? Nothing to do with an election is it? Perhaps he hopes that by saying a few words in June 2013 he need say no more and then, in the event of being in office in June 2015 he can say "I did warn you" and then bang goes the bus pass; bang goes the fuel allowance and bang goes the TV licence and probably the age related allowances as well. Balls may speak balls but he speaks without smoke and mirrors

  6. He mentioned pensioner benefits in parliament yesterday. Will you be mentioning them on your blog?
